Accounting principles
From Ratos Year-end report 2024
Ratos’s consolidated financial statements are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and associated interpretations (IFRIC), as endorsed by the EU. This interim report was prepared in accordance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting, and applicable provisions in the Swedish Annual Accounts Act. The parent company also applies RFR 2 Accounting for Legal Entities.
From the first quarter of 2024, Ratos has changed its segment reporting to better reflect the Group’s business focus. The new segments are Industrial Services, Product Solutions, Construction, Critical Infrastructure and Consumer. They comprise the Group’s business areas, which are presented in the Year-end report on pages 5–7. The change does not entail any restatement of previous financial reports, but rather provides additional information about the new segments that reflects how operations are monitored. In all other respects, the reporting and measurement principles are unchanged compared with those applied in Ratos’s 2023 Annual Report.
The new and revised IFRS standards which came into force in 2024 have not had any material effect on the Ratos Group’s financial statements.
Amounts are presented in SEK million (SEKm) unless otherwise stated. Rounding may apply in tables and calculations, which means that the stipulated total amounts are not always an exact amount of the rounded amounts.
Alternative performance measures*
To facilitate comparison between periods and enable follow-up of ongoing earnings and development in the company portfolio, Ratos presents some financial information, which is not defined in IFRS. Related information contains a description of these key ratios as well as a reconciliation / bridge between alternative key ratios used in Ratos's financial reports and the closest IFRS measures.
*) Reconciliation of alternative performance measures can be found in respectively period's interim report.